Almost all of my friends have immaculate scrapbooks. The pictures are carefully cut with straight edge cutters and placed in just the right spot. The stickers and embellishments are breathtaking. It's a little bit disgusting. Perhaps I need these orderly people in my life. So, people are always asking me if I "scrapbook," and I always shrivel up and say "sort of." My scrapbooks are SUCH a perfect representation of my life... miss-matched, chaotic, hilarious, exciting, bunch of orderly disorder... if that even makes sense. I rarely show my scrapbooks to people (even my friends), but today I have the urge to reveal a little peek into the mess. This is a page or two from the scrapbook of all my running adventures. I like documenting my races and when I get into a running "funk" these pages motivate me to push harder. Enjoy...

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