Tuesday, September 22, 2009

good morning fall

In honor of the first day of my favorite season... I made a little apron dress. Since the long awaited "cold front" came through south Louisiana last night and this morning it's a low 87 degrees... it still feels like summer. When (or if) it finally cools off here I will pair this dress with a long sleeved T underneath or a light pink cardigan. Millie G. loves it and wanted to wear it to school today. I'm sure a day will come when she won't be so eager to wear my little "experiments" in public. Until that day... I just put on her shoes, slap a flower in her hair and smile because she feels like a princess in something that I created. Aaaaannnndddd she has no idea that I really am not very good at sewing. Anyway, happy fall! Make some pumpkin bread why don't ya!

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