Monday, July 12, 2010

what happens at lowe's stays at lowe's

This is why I went to Lowe's Home Improvement Superstore this afternoon... A three dollar sample can of green Valspar paint. It took fourteen minutes to make this purchase. The following events ensued between the time of my arrival and departure...
If they weren't so darn cute...


  1. chaos only a mother would understand. Gotta love em. :)

  2. Aww... beautiful kids. Also, don't you love that you can buy the small sample paints? They save my life.

  3. oh any store....=fun times! And i only have one. I must say that i just found your blog yesterday and i am in love with it!! so inspiring and so exactly what i'm thinking...we might share a brain. HA! i have two blogs if you'd like to check em'. :)
