Monday, February 20, 2012

date day

Saturday was so much fun! Charlie's parents kept the kiddies all day... that's right ALL DAY! We usually do night time dates so we only have time for dinner and a movie. But a daytime dates are the BOMB! We did everything that we never get to do with the children in tow. Date day included: trying on clothes in a fab clothing store, quiet conversation and laughing at adult things in a coffee shop, book stores, museums, more laughing, bicycle stores, dinner, dessert, driving with the windows down.
Date day did NOT include: children's menu, taking kids to the potty, interruptions, movies in the car, Target. Our children are the coolest and cutest... but date day was much more fun without them.


  1. You're pretty! I love you s'much!

  2. Date days can be so much better than date nights! you just get so much done :) It looks like you had a really good time.. I hope the in laws decide they really love babysitting so you can do it again ;)
